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Clothing and Footwear


The Pre-School provides protective clothing for the children when they play with ‘messy’ activities.  The Pre-School encourages children to gain skills, which help them to be independent and to look after themselves.  These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off and putting on outdoor clothes.  It is good for children to practice the skills which will make them independent. Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on other people’s help.


We do have a uniform which you can purchase from us; we have purple, blue or turquoise t-shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans and book bags with our logo on. This looks very smart and saves the children ruining their own clothes. Order forms are in your welcome pack or available from the cloakroom. Book bags are optional but are a safe way to make sure all the children’s pictures, letters and belonging can be kept and taken home in their own bag.  Alternatively you can provide a named plastic wallet or carrier bag for this purpose.


The children will be going outside every day, therefore make sure you bring along the correct clothing for the weather this can be put in a named bag and hung on their peg.


Please ensure;

  • All clothing is clearly marked with the child’s name.

  • That they are wearing appropriate clothing which you are prepared to get messy this includes appropriate shoes too, NO HEELS.

  • That they have the appropriate clothing for going outside such as coats, wellies when it is raining or caps for when it is hot. (Spare clothes children will get wet as they join in and play with activities.

  • Bring book bag or folder to each session with home diary.

Uniform prices :

T-shirts sizes 22,24,26 in Purple, Blue and Turquoise £6.00

Sweatshirts sizes 22,24,26 in Purple, Blue and Turquoise £11

Cardigans Sizes 22,24,26 in Purple and turquoise £14.50

Dap bags - Blue and Purple £6.00

Book Bags- Blue and Purple £6.00

Baseball caps -Blue, Purple and Turquoise Uniform £6.00

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